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JCF Blog: Forward Thinking

Joan Rivers asked, “Can We Talk?” but We Want to Listen…

OK, I’ll start with a confession: I love the shofar. I mean, really, we get to blow a horn in temple? Second to screaming when Haman’s name is sounded, the shofar gets my vote for the most surprising of Jewish rituals.

Everybody Loves a Checklist…Don’t You?

Maybe it’s the mom in me, but I love a checklist. I’ve got one for packing my daughter’s trunk for sleep-away camp, another for packing up the family (including the dog!) for vacation, one for hosting Rosh Hashanah dinner, and a much longer one for hosting Passover.

How Did I Get Here

Every Seder is a chance to re-answer the age-old question: Why is this night different from all other nights? Is it something we see — a fresh tablecloth, Zayde’s kiddush cup? Something we smell? My Mom made roast chicken, but I serve both chicken and brisket…what about when your…

A Great Way to Start the Week

Last Monday I had dinner with Arlene D. Schiff…and about 85 fellow synagogue/agency lay leaders and professionals! Arlene is the national director of the LIFE & LEGACY program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF), and she joined us to kick off our partnership in HGF’s latest…

Ness Fund and the Negev: A Miracle Come True

This is a story about the afterlife. It’s been 10 years since we loss Mack Ness, a New Jersey farmer who lived so frugally that our receptionist thought he was homeless. He wanted to help Israel, and he did.