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Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It, now in Israel

By Daniel Staffenberg

You may have seen the Jewish Community Foundation’s new ads. Our slogan, “Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It,” reminds us that philanthropic dreams and legacies can be put into action by partnering with JCF and Federation.

I landed in Israel early Wednesday morning eager to see our work in action. I was honored to begin the journey by joining members of JCF’s Ness Fund on their annual “vetting” trip. They visited with and/or investigated 20 different programs and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that had applied to receive some of the $750,000 in grants available this year.

The Ness Fund makes strategic grants to support economic development in the Negev, with an emphasis on attracting and maintaining a strong young adult population. The Ness Fund is unique because it is one a few Jewish community endowment funds focused on the Negev, making substantial grants while leveraging dollars and key partnerships to help ensure success. This has earned the Ness Fund and JCF a reputation for being a major player in the area’s revitalization in a few short years. When paired with the work of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest, it means our community is doubling the impact on this critical area of Israel. The members of the Ness Fund committee are ACHIEVING their goals. They BELIEVE in the future of the Negev. Next time you are in the region, ask about Ness and Greater MetroWest: you are sure to hear an inspirational story of support and appreciation.

I have to tell you: there are two amazing things about the Ness Fund.

First, the time and concern the members dedicate to ensuring that each grant is effective and mission driven is incredible. The conversations and decisions necessary are not always easy, but they are always handled with care and compassion.. They spend hundreds of hours personally selecting, stewarding, and guiding the progress of each grant guided by Noga Maliniak, our outstanding Ness professional in Israel.

Second is the story of Mack Ness, who made this all possible.  Mr. Ness dreamed of a strong and vibrant Israel, even though he had never been here. He was a farmer, and not very well-known. When he walked into the Jewish Federation offices in Scotch Plains it would have been easy to write him off, but the leadership knew better. Mr. Ness had a dream.  As a result of their stewardship and Mr. Ness’s generosity, the Ness Fund was created from a multi-million-dollar gift after his passing. Mr. Ness’ dream of supporting Israel and making a difference was achieved.

It is really what our new message is all about. Bring your dreams, believe in the power of our collective system, and almost anything is achievable. Our community is blessed with outstanding lay leadership who handle each legacy gift with care, respect, and honor. I got to see it in action over the last few days and look forward to seeing even more in the days to come. Follow our visits on Facebook ("like" JCF Greater MetroWest), and on Twitter (@dstaffenberg, @jcfgmw and @jfedgmw). Stay tuned. I look forward to hearing about your dreams soon.



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