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We’re Making an Impact

A Guest Blog by Jessica Mehlman, Assistant Director, Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Impact n. im-pakt; v. im-pakt
n. The striking of one thing against another, forceful contact, collision
v. The power of making a strong immediate impression

When two objects strike against each other, the impact can create something new and beautiful. With strategic, impactful philanthropy, your donations can literally change people’s lives. When investing your philanthropic dollars you want them to make a real impact, and when you partner with the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ (JCF), your impact will be immeasurable.

Here are some examples.

In 2013, the Ness Fund, an advisory council of JCF, began a three-year commitment to revitalize an abandoned park in Yerucham, a town in the Negev region of Israel. This commitment, coupled with additional philanthropic gifts and investments from the municipality and Israeli government, has given this peripheral community a public park with bird watching, biking, hiking, and other activities that welcome families and tourists. The economic conditions of the entire area are improving thanks to the skillful collaboration and collective grant-making of JCF.

Another success story comes from The Grotta Fund for Senior Care, another advisory council, which benefits older adults and their families. Just this year Grotta gave $25,000 toward a joint effort with Atlantic Health System and St. Clare’s Health System to train over 270 individuals in Mental Health First Aid. The course certifies participants, including first responders and others working with the elderly, to identify depression, de-escalate stressful situations, and connect troubled individuals with expert help.  JCF is proud to be helping seniors combat depression.

Our third example comes from the Jewish Women’s Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ (JWF), made up of women dedicated to the advancement of girls and women locally and in Israel. In 2014 JWF made a grant to Unchained at Last, a Westfield, NJ, non-profit dedicated to helping women leave or avoid arranged/forced marriages and rebuild their lives.  But that was just the beginning: JWF is now helping to connect Unchained At Last with other similar local organizations, in order to maximize the assistance given to women in our community.  

None of this would have happened without JCF. JCF is connected, informed, and strategic about grant making. It doesn’t take a lot of money to have a big impact, just the knowledge, partnerships, and understanding that JCF has provided to the Greater MetroWest community since 1949. Together with our partners at Federation we care, we build, and we save…and at JCF, we secure these blessings for future generations.


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